Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's all about Michael

We haven't had much to tell about Mike for awhile. At the beginning of the year, he and his ship went underway, headed to Thailand, Singapore and the Phillipines. He was excited as they only get to Thailand once a year and he's never been to Singapore. He also was pretty excited to tell us that he has been moved from the boring pump room, where he was testing fuel, onto the flight deck where he actually fuels the birds. So far, he has fueled a harrier and 2 60s (helicopters). And just to make sure to keep mom a little nervous, he tells us he was behind a harrier as it was turning around and it was really hot and blowing strong winds. He says "it's not strong enough at that distance to blow you away, but its still very hot and it makes your clothes ripple in the wind."

In the next email, he jokingly (maybe) says, I'm going to let it blow me off the deck just so my suit can inflate and then they'll pick me up. I told him - unless the sharks get you first.

Moving on, while in Thailand, he bought himself a nice suit, had a Thai massage - he got offered the full massage, but turned it down thankfully. He rode an elephant, played with a monkey, bought some DVDs and video games. He also ate fried bugs - scorpions, grasshoppers, beetles, meal worms. He said there was no breading on them, they were just fried with garlic. He did pass on the large hissing beetles, since they just looked creepy.

What an adventure! Now that he's in Singapore, we'll have to see what he does there. More to come!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kellee's bout with RSV

Kellee started out with what seemed like a cold - runny nose, low fever. In 2 days, that changed to high fever, coughing, headache, no energy. So, we took her to Urgent Care for some better meds. By this time, she had a temp of 105 and her pulse oxygen was down to 90. After a breathing treatment, it came up, but then went right back down. They took xrays of her chest, looking for pneumonia - nothing. They did a flu test - negative. They determined that she was not stable and sent her to the ER, not by car, by ambulance.

We were at Methodist Children's ER for about 9 hours, more xrays, blood tests, IV fluids because she was dehydrated, breathing treatments. The final diagnosis was RSV or Bronchiolitis. After some steroids, we finally got to bring her home. She has to take steroids for a month and we just have to watch and wait. She's out of school for the rest of the week. She is feeling much better now, but still coughing. It was a little scary for a bit there, but I'm just so glad the nurses and doctor at Urgent Care were paying attention and didn't just send her home with a prescription.

She wanted a picture of her glowing finger - this was the pulse Ox meter. ET - PHONE HOME!

This is Kellee in her fun little hospital bed at the ER. She had more wires hooked up to her than her dad's computer room. It was crazy!