Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mike's Eagle Project

Mike has earned his Eagle Scout Award in the Boy Scouts. He organized and directed the building of an exhibit at the Lackland Air Force Base History Museum. He built a floor and walls, stained and lacquered them. This took about 3 full days, divided up over about a month's time. It looks great and he had fun doing it.

Happy Mike

Martin turned 41. How old is he! No big birthday party, just cake and ice cream.

Then came Rachel, who turned 13 (officially a teenager). She and her friends made cupcakes and watched movies.

Marshel turned 6. Kellee turned 4. They had a party together, with a cool Balloon Twister who made Marshel a Motorcycle and Kellee a lifesize Cinderella.

Mike turned 18. We had our friends the Williamsons over, went to the pool, barbecued and ate cheesecake.

Soccer 2008

Marshel played soccer this year for the first time. He had a great time. Michael calls it Magnet Ball, because there's one ball and about 20 kids running around behind it all over the field. The goalies were usually sitting on the ground playing with sticks. Granted, these were 5 and 6 year old kids. It was fun to watch.